Women's Medilog
Women's Medilog
Speidel's Medilog accessories are essential pieces to add to your wardrobe for both style and function. Our ID jewelry—including ID bracelets, ID necklaces, ID charms, and ID watches—can save a life. Our bracelets and other pieces of medical ID jewelry are designed to carry health details so that medical responders are informed in the event of an emergency.
These bracelets are waterproof and are made with an expansion band for comfort. All these pieces are simple but stylish and come in both silver and gold tones to fit your preferences. The women's Medilog watches have easy to read faces with an obvious medical symbol to alert emergency responders that you're carrying a wallet card with your health conditions.
These practical and useful watches also come with a Twist-O-Flex band that ensures a comfortable wear all day long. A piece of ID jewelry also makes a cute and touching gift for a loved one. Shop our collection today for these essential medical ID bracelets and possibly save a life!